Let Agreed
    £150,000 pa
    Sparkhill is an area approximately 3.5 miles south east of Birmingham City Centre. Nearby roads include A34, A41 and A435, which all connect the city centre of Birmingham M42 and national motorway network.
    The area is well known for the Balti Triangle, a cluster of Balti houses along Stratford Road, Ladypool Road, Stoney Lane. The area is believed to contain Birmingham's highest concentration of Balti restaurants, as well as some of the oldest to be found in Britain. The subject property holds a prominent location on the junction of Stratford Road and Warwick Road. Access for on site car parks are via Warwick Road and the junction of Stratford Road. Neighbouring occupiers consist of Habib Bank, Greggs, UBL Bank, Sitara Fashions and many more diverse businesses which provide busy shopping area seven days a week. Other restaurant in a vicinity are generally much smaller than the subject.

    A substantial former public house/restaurant dating back to Victorian era with later additions.
    The building consists of 3 floors of accommodation, as well as a basement area, which is all mostly open plan with large ceilings heights, the building extends to approximately 12,307 square feet. Property occupies a site of 0.635 acres approx.
    The building has been effectively stripped out to a shell condition. Some works have been carried out in form of a new internal and external roof structure.
    At the north west side of the building is the main car park accessible from Warwick Road. The second car park is accessible from the east side of the building which has a detached brick built storage building.
    Potential leaseholders will have to anticipate cost of full refurbishment. The premises are ideal for a large restaurant or a function hall as this size building with car parking facilities is very unique within the Balti Triangle.


    Basement 200 Sq M 2,153 Sq Ft approx
    Ground Floor 620 Sq M 6,672 Sq Ft approx
    First Floor 620 Sq M 6,674 Sq Ft approx
    Second Floor 310 Sq M 3,337 Sq Ft approx

    Total 1,750 Sq M 18,838 Sq Ft Approx

    The property is available by way of a new lease, terms to be agreed.

    £150,000.00 PA
    £2,885.00 PW

    The property benefits from an existing A3 planning consent and is suitable for restaurant or function hall. The site has potential for a variety of uses, subject to planning.

    Interested parties should verify this information with the local housing rating authority.

    The in-going tenant will be responsible for the payment of the landlord's legal costs, building insurance and agent administration fees.
    ***** Upon taking occupancy, a three months advanced rent and three months deposit will be required *****

    All viewing by prior appointment through this office contact R.H Properties on 0121 772 8488
    1. MONEY LAUNDERING REGULATIONS Intending purchaser will be asked to produce identification documentation at a later stage and we would ask for your co-operation in order that there will be no delay in agreeing the sale.
    2. These particulars do not constitute part or all of an offer or contract.
    3. The measurements indicated are supplied for guidance only and as such must be considered incorrect.
    4. Potential buyers are advised to recheck the measurements before committing to any expense.
    5. R.H. Properties have not tested any apparatus, equipment, fixtures, fittings or services and it is the buyers interest to check the working condition of any appliances.
    6. R.H. Properties has not sought to verify the legal title of the property and the buyers must obtain verification from their solicitor.
    Reference: CL0492
    Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of these details, it should be noted that the measurements are approximate only. Floorplans are for representation purposes only and prepared according to the RICS Code of Measuring Practice by our floorplan provider. Therefore, the layout of doors, windows and rooms are approximate and should be regarded as such by any prospective tenant.

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